Viva Wallet

3 Star Sponsor

Viva Wallet


Viva Wallet is a global cloud-based digital payments factory which offers European Merchants across 12 countries a 3-in-1 “Bank in a Box” bundle comprised of: a Current Account with local IBAN, Card-Present and Card-not-Present Acquiring through Chip&Pin Card Reader and Android Card Terminals, as well as a Viva Wallet business card with a local country BIN. Viva Wallet is a principal member of MasterCard, Visa and American Express, as well as a processor, based on its proprietary state-of-the-art MS-Azure based Payments Infrastructure. Viva Wallet’s advantage stems from its direct end-to-end control of the whole value chain, from the card terminal to its direct connectivity to Card Schemes, without any intermediaries. Viva Wallet offers a pan-European full stack of payment services which are fully localized per country, with local customer support, language, connectivity to local cards and local payment systems. Viva Wallet has offices and offers payments services in the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Belgium, Greece, Poland, Romania, Portugal and Cyprus.

With Viva Wallet merchants enjoy the best of breed payment services through a single platform, at the most competitive price point! Find out more at:

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