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Vipps is the leading smart payment service in Norway with over 3.1 million users. 110 Norwegian banks own Vipps AS, a company providing services within payments and identification. The idea behind the creation of Vipps was in 2015 to send money as simple as sending SMS, using a mobile wallet. The launch was a great success and soon Vipps became a verb, synonymous with sending money to a friend. Since 2015, the service achieved a great market adoption, now covering over 75% of the Norwegian population. In 2018, Vipps merged with the national direct debit card scheme BankAxept and the leading electronic ID, BankID. Today Vipps is the strongest brand in Norway and offer a broad set services from payments online and in physical shops to receive, scan or pay invoices directly in the wallet. The clear idea going forward is to focus on exciting people every day through world-class simplification.

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