
2019 Media Partner



Vendorcom is a pan-European membership organisation which connects all stakeholders in the payments community. Our primary aim is to promote innovation through collaboration. We do this by creating platforms for thought leadership, providing a range of opportunities for knowledge sharing and resolving issues for our members, thereby generally enabling the payments community to better understand and more effectively meet market needs.

Since launching in 2003, Vendorcom has supported the cards and payments industry by providing a coherent and representative voice and by acting as a single point of authoritative and credible information for our members. In addition, Vendorcom ensures that decisions made by industry influencers take into account the issues and concerns of all stakeholders who, in turn, gain the opportunity to engage collectively with existing working bodies in the payments community.

Almost 100 companies are members of Vendorcom in Europe and take advantage of all that the organisation has to offer the payments community. In addition there are over 500 companies including card schemes, issuers, acquirers, QSAs, consultancies, hardware and software solutions vendors, payment processors and merchants who have participated in our conferences and special interest groups in the past 12 months. In total, we are engaged with over 2000 organisations in the payments community in Europe.

Core activities include our Connecting Payments Conferences, Social & Networking events and a range of Special Interest Groups.

Vendorcom has direct involvement in industry influencing bodies such as the UK Payment Systems Regulator, where we have recently been appointed to their Cards and Payments Processing Advisory Panel. We are an active Participating Organisation in the PCI Security Standards Council and are elected members of the Cards Stakeholders Group of the European Payments Council, and meet regularly with other regulatory and standards bodies.

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