TIS - Objektni informacijski sustavi d.o.o.

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TIS - Objektni informacijski sustavi d.o.o.

Website: https://www.tis.hr

TIS develops, implements and maintains its own solutions which can be applied to various industries (finance and banking, telecommunications, public sector, economy, production and transport), but focuses primarily on the fields of finance and banking. In the banking world we are recognized as a company that has been providing quality knowledge and IT solutions for many years. Adding on that, we are long-term, established partners of leading ICT companies across the world where we offer innovative solutions that have come out of the cooperation with our partnerships with IBM (STERLING), Oracle and Microsoft, ensuring integration with existing (legacy) systems. We follow trends, promote and offer business solutions and respond to new challenges; a business approach that has positioned TIS as a well-known ICT company in the SEE region and beyond. The combination of tradition in business, active participation in development and improvement of solutions and services provided is the key generator of our success measured by our impressive reference list. Some of our fields of expertise are:

Regulations : GDPR, SEPA, PSD2, PEPPOL, EPREL Industries: Financial, Telco, Government, Retail, Manufacturing, Logistics Solutions : Payment Gateway, B2B/MFT Integrations, Mobile, ECM, E-Signature & Video identification Services: Development, Implementation, Consulting, Education, Support, Migration, Integration

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