
Star Sponsor



MobiWeb is a global SMS messaging provider and the ideal partner for companies that demand high quality SMS messaging services, meeting the most demanding enterprise requirements.

Through MobiWeb's cloud platform enterprises are able to reach their customers through SMS, delivering improved user experiences.

From secure messaging, one-time pin codes for two-factor authentication, transaction notifications to security alerts, customer service, marketing campaigns and service alerts, enterprises integrate SMS functionality to their business processes to connect to our carrier-grade platform and unlock enterprise mobile messaging delivery to 7+ billion subscribers of 1000+ mobile operators.

MobiWeb's proprietary, carrier-grade mobile services platform is developed in-house and designed specifically for high performance, 100% geo-redundant service availability and enhanced security.

Our client base of 2500+ international businesses ranges from Social Networks, Retail Banks and Fintech to Health Institutions and Travel/Hospitality sector.

International presence with offices located in three continents ensures client satisfaction covering local and international business needs.

MobiWeb is also actively participating in the development of the mobile ecosystem as an associate member of the GSMA, the international mobile network operator association.

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