
Pavilion partner



The Electronic Funds Transfer at the Point Of Sale (EFTPOS), the network built by credit card companies in the early 80s, has completely revolutionized the way we do payments. Yet, almost 4 decades later there is still no efficient way to transfer data seamlessly between retailers and customers at the cash register.

Items was created because the digital age requires an equivalent network for the Data Transfer at the Point Of Sale (DTPOS). Items is a platform that connects retailers’ POS with banks. We match every receipt captured on the retailer side with the corresponding banking transaction in real-time and deliver them directly in customers banking applications.

Items also allows retailers to configure loyalty programs per consumer segment and automatically link them to their bank account. We are the only solution on the market capable of deploying SKU-level offers directly in applications customers already use to manage their expenses and to redeem them automatically via cash-back. Items’ platform offers customers the ultimate user experience: By simply paying with their bank card at a partner retailer, they get digital receipts, offers and loyalty directly in their banking application.

Visit us on Booth B62.

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