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We design the next generation of digital banking solutions. Our outstanding products empower banks to accelerate their digital transformation and compete in today's rapidly changing world. 
Banks like Citi, HSBC, ING, KBC, UniCredit already trust in our solutions. The portfolio includes solutions for digital experience and integration platforms and corporate banking. The products are agile, responsive and functionally comprehensive. They provide a rich, interactive customer experience. 

On Money20/20 we present our latest developments on the integration and experience platform, that enables banks to offer their customers one common touchpoint for all digital banking services. 
Let's talk about tomorrow’s digital banking platforms.

Digital Experience & Integration platform MULTIVERSA FIP
The optimal solution for realizing digital banking solutions and providing new services by integrating existing applications and services or building new ones 
- Single point of entry for your corporate customers 
- Smart dashboards with access to integrated applications
- Consistent user and brand experience
- Software Development Kit
- Overlaying security and user management
- Easy and quick implementation with low risk 

Corporate Banking Suite
The ideal banking solution for online & mobile channel offerings. Our products provide comprehensive functionality and offer innovative digital services.
- Broad Payment and Cash Management functionality
- Ready for Instant Payments, EBICS, PSD2 and many other international standards
- Many functional modules with mature and flexible IT architecture
- PSD2-conform security without devices

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