
2019 Media Partner



Acsel is the French digital transformation hub.

We analyze the impact of digital on the different sectors of the economy and on the various corporate functions. We look ahead to the challenges of the future, play a part in the emergence of concrete solutions and share best practices.

The association gathers 150 firms and 1,500 qualified professionals. We make no distinction of professional sector or technological field, but bring together major groups, mid-tier firms and SMEs, traditional businesses, public bodies and digital natives, to work collectively on making a success of their digital transformation and of the transformation of the French economy.

Every year Acsel edits 2 surveys and barometers that tackle the impact of digital on the society with the question “Do the French trust in Digital?” and the second one that is more a B2B barometer around the theme “Digital and Economic Growth”.

Acsel is also one of the privileged counterpart regarding digital economy matters before the French authorities.

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