undefined Vicari

Smriti Vicari

Head of Fintech, Europe, Visa

Smriti Vicari is the Head of Fintech at Visa Europe. She oversees Fintech engagement, strategy and delivery activities, ensuring that Visa remains partner-of-choice for Fintechs, platforms and intermediaries. Smriti joined Visa in 2011, initially working in the Strategy team and then forming and leading the CEO Office. Prior to Visa, Smriti held a variety of roles in the US and UK financial services sectors. She began her career as an analyst in a US-based private equity fund-of-funds, where she analysed and recommended investments to multi-billion dollar pension funds, representing some of the largest institutional investors in the country. She then went onto lead a team of analysts at Moody's Investors Service, assessing credit and investment risk within the Structured Finance group. Smriti held strategy and executive office roles at State Street Bank in London before joining Visa. Smriti holds a Bachelor's degree in Business from the University of Southern California, and an MBA from London Business School.