undefined King

Lara King

Award-winning comedian and improviser Lara A King is fully aware of the power of humour and laughter as effective currency in the world of commerce.

Using a combination of improvisation exercises and theatrical techniques, Lara developed a programme in Humourology: training and mentoring adults and children to build confidence and self esteem, improve personal impact and develop strong leadership skills through comedy and improvisation.

As well as the ground breaking work she is developing with Streets Consulting, Lara has delivered courses to The Kings Fund, The Leadership Academy and The British Psychological Society and is a valuable member of the team of leading communication and personal impact trainers at Dramatic Resources.

Lara loves nothing more than to head to the beach in her 1976 Volkswagen camper van, is a keen outdoor swimmer and co-founder of LaughQuake - the global incentive to encourage the production of positive energy through laughter.