undefined Coppenolle

Claudia Coppenolle

Director, DB Intrapreneur, Deutsche Bank

Claudia combines 10 years’ experience, product knowledge and connectivity in the banking, digital, Fintech and ESG/Sustainability field, with the insider view of being a CEO (Chief Everything Officer) for a start-up as part of a venture initiative within Deutsche Bank.

She is passionate about emerging technologies and sustainability and how the connectivity of both, Fintech and Philanthropy, can drive social/ESG innovation and create new business opportunities.

She is an inaugural cohort member of Money20/20’s 2018 Rise-Up Vegas program, a leading voice in Fintech and named one of the Top 200 female thought-leaders for Blockchain and Crypto as well as being a mentor and advisor for various ‘Digital & Sustainability Initiatives’, e.g. for SheCanCode or the Rays of Sunshine Children’s Charity.